Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Blog Critique.

The blog that I haven chosen to critique is called RealClimate – Climate science from climate scientists and it can be found at The focus of this blog is about one of the most serious issues facing mankind today, global warming. This blog is really important to individuals like myself, because it provides in depth information about the effects of global warming on the environment. It is also extremely relevant and useful to the wider community because it raises awareness of global warming. Hopefully through educating people about this, it will then encourage them to want to do something about it.

There are actually eleven people that contribute posts on this blog. Their names are listed in a column on the right hand side of the page under the heading ‘Contributors’. The authors are Caspar Ammann, David Archer, Eric Steig, Gavin Schmidt, Michael Mann, Rasmus Benestad, Ray Bradley, Ray Pierrehumbert, Stefan Rahmstorf, Thibault de Garidel and William Connolley. Viewers can also click on each of the authors names and read their biographies.

In terms of its content, RealClimate states that it is a “commentary site on climate science by working climate scientists for the interested public and journalists”. Overall, the blogs content is a combination of news, facts and scientific research data which is used to inform viewers about this issue.

RealClimate was first established and has been operating since November 28th 2004. This blog impacts on the wider community because it keeps its viewers up to date with regular and accurate posts relating to global warming. The blog has also been quoted in many newspapers and online articles (that can be viewed by clicking on the ‘In the News’ link). For example: The Guardian named RealClimate as one of “The new 100 most useful sites” in 2006 and also listed the blog as number 2 on their “Top ten green websites” for 2007.

The style of this blog in terms of its design and layout is also very simple yet effective. There is minimal colour, with black text on a white background, as well as green headings for each of the blogs which are positioned one underneath the other down the middle of the page. At the top of the blog is a banner head which includes the blogs name and a photograph of the earth and the sun.

(RealClimate's banner head.)

There are also links at the top of the page, for example ‘Home’, ‘About’, ‘Archive’ and ‘Start Here’. Finally, there is also a peach coloured column down the right side of the page with links under the headings: ‘Categories’ (such as: ‘Greenhouse gases’), ‘Contributors’, ‘Highlights’, ‘Other Opinions’ (other blogs to check out), ‘Science Links’ (to more websites), and ‘Translations’ (10 different languages that posts can be translated into including English, French and Chinese). Overall the blog has a very professional design that is appropriate to its serious subject matter. It is also very well set out and users can navigate easily through the site. The language used in this blog is also quite formal. The posts are very informative and more appropriate for well educated viewers. RealClimate however does cater for all viewers (regardless of their education level). By clicking on the ‘Start Here’ link, viewers are provided with links about global warming ‘For complete beginners’ right up to those who are Informed, but seeking serious discussion’. The fact that there are 10 different languages available also shows that the blog doesn’t exclude people just because they don’t speak English.

The number of visitors RealClimate has had since December 10, 2004 is stated at the bottom of the right hand column. The amount is constantly increasing but the last time I visited the site it was at 4, 997, 930 visitors. RealClimate also uses some sources and they can be viewed by clicking on the ‘Top 10 Sources’ link (mainly other blogs and science based websites).

One of the great things about RealClimate is that it presents an objective scientific view on global warming. The authors simply provide the real facts regarding changing weather patterns, the greenhouse effect, etc. This is reinforced by a statement on the site that “the contributors do not represent the views of the organizations for which they work … and receive no remuneration for their contributions”. There are also no advertisements on this blog, which shows that its purpose is to simply provide the facts about this issue and not to generate profits. Overall, RealClimate is a really interesting and informative blog and I definitely recommend that you visit it. You won’t be disappointed!

The Secret Language of Birthdays!

Well I would first like to begin this post by stating that I am not one of those people who like tarot cards and I also don’t want to have a personal reading done by a clairvoyant anytime soon! I do however find it quite interesting to read about astrology - star signs, numerology, etc. I must say that I definitely enjoy reading the predictions for my own star sign in particular - I’m a pretty proud Leo, I like long walks on the beach, sunsets (haha), chocolates, going to the theatre, etc. Obviously though, I know that the weekly star sign readings in trashy gossip magazines and on the internet are not always 100% or even 10% correct but I do think that an understanding of astrology does help you to learn a lot not only about yourself but also about the people around you.

Anyways I actually have a few books on astrology and I have found that they can be very useful in terms of: suggesting what type of career I would excel in, health problems that I may need to look out for, issues to do with money / finances (note to self: do not over indulge when shoe shopping!), love and relationships - what other star signs I am most compatible with, etc. I have also found that basic knowledge of star signs in general can help you to learn a lot about your family members, friends, work colleagues, etc. I think it’s a really great tool to have because once you know someone’s star sign you will automatically know a lot about them - eg: their overall personality, what sort of activities they may like to do (if they are a more mellow / calmer sign for instance any of the Earth or Water signs, they may be interested in art, poetry, being out in nature, etc vs. someone who is a Fire or Air sign who may prefer extreme sports or going to see live theatre), etc.

So that brings me to the focus of this post and that is a book that my mum recently bought. The book is called “The Secret Language of Birthdays – Your Complete Personology Guide for Each Day of the Year” and it is written by Gary Goldschneider & Joost Elffers (published by the Penguin Group).

(I love the cover of this book, very sweet!)

The thing I like about this book is that unlike the average astrology book that gives more general information on each of the twelve star signs, this book actually provides specific information for each day of the year. So you can basically read what your birthday says about you – what type of personality you have, what specific health problems you may encounter, what type of career you will most likely excel in, etc, all based on the day you were born. The other great thing is that you can read all about your family members and friends, your employer (it may even help you work out how to sweet talk them into giving you that promotion or a raise!) and also people that you have only just met (the book may assist you in deciding whether they are worth being friends with or perhaps something more, hehe). All I can say is that even if you are a complete skeptic, I do recommend that you get a copy of this book and read what it has to say about you. Who knows, you may just learn something new about yourself and those around you.

Oh and one more thing, I actually read a review on this book recently (sorry I forget what newspaper it was in) and it stated that this book has actually been very popular with employers. Apparently there are a number of employers that refer to this book when selecting their employees – to see what type of overall personality they have, if they are hard working, motivated, easy going and friendly, etc. I don’t know for sure, but perhaps they even use this book as a deciding factor to make sure a potential employee is right for their business. So there you go. Now get out there and pick up a copy of this book to see what it says about you. Hopefully for your sake its good news! Haha.

Well until next time, all the best.

Freedom Writers - film review.

Recently I watched the film “Freedom Writers” on DVD that was directed by Richard LaGravenese (released in 2007). The film starring Academy Award Winner Hilary Swank and Grey’s Anatomy’s Patrick “McDreamy” Dempsey (haha sorry I couldn’t resist!), is a really great drama which deals with such real issues as racism, violence, oppression and inequality. I think the fact that the film is actually based on a book by the real freedom writers – a group of students who attended an integrated high school in Long Beach, California – and their teacher Erin Gruwell, made it very real, unique and special.

(Hilary Swank as Erin Gruwell in the film.)

The basic story of this film is about a young English teacher - Erin Gruwell (Swank) - who uses unconventional teaching methods to educate a class of high school students who are divided by their racial prejudices of each other and also have no interest in gaining a proper education. The students have all dealt with a lot of issues particularly gang violence and it is only after Erin gets them to write down their innermost thoughts, fears and aspirations in their own journal (just like Anne in the 'The Diary of Anne Frank', which they are given to read in class) that they start to become more accepting of each other and also believe that they can make something of themselves.

(One of the happy scenes from the film - Swank with the rest of the young cast.)

One of the things that I really loved about this film in particular was the fact that the cast was made up of a number of relatively unknown actors which really helped to make the story more real and ultimately bring it to life. Overall “Freedom Writers” is a really great film and although you may need some tissues for a few scenes, the ending is very positive and uplifting. So if you haven’t seen it yet, I definitely recommend you check it out!

Oh and I also wanted to say that when watching this film, I thought wow I’m so lucky to have grown up in Australia, a multicultural country where everyone is accepted and viewed as equal. But when I started to think about it afterwards I began to wonder how true this really is. Are we really that accepting and tolerant of other races? When you think about the 2005 Cronulla race riots and more recently the protests against the building of a private Islamic school in Camden, it makes you question whether there actually is equality for all in our so called ‘multicultural society’. I really don’t know anymore, I used to believe there was but now I’m not so sure. What do you guys think?

(Scenes from the Cronulla race riots in 2005)

Dr 90210!

I was just wondering if anyone out there is a fan of the television series Dr 90210. For those of you who don’t know much about this series, here’s the basic information - Dr. 90210 is a reality television program that is broadcasted on Foxtel’s E! Channel (well that’s in Australia anyway, I’m not sure about other countries). The program takes its viewers inside the professional and private lives of a group of wealthy plastic surgeons based in Hollywood, California. The basic format of the show is that the patients are first shown having a consultation with their doctor, before they go into surgery (yes the surgeries are also shown and at times these can be quite graphic. So if you have a weak stomach and can’t handle the sight of blood and guts [literally!] then I suggest you either don’t eat anything heavy before or during the show, or that you look away while the patients are being sliced and diced! Haha, I’m seriously not exaggerating! Some patients for example who are overweight, actually get large chunks of their insides cut out all to look toned and trim in their swimmers.) The patients are then shown having their post surgery consultation with their doctor before being interviewed one last time after they have fully recovered.

If you are a fan of such shows as Extreme Makeover and Nip/Tuck then you will most likely love Dr 90210. And while I am not the biggest fan, I think it is quite entertaining especially with the way it takes the viewers inside the private lives of the doctors, particularly the main doctor, Dr Robert Rey. The audience are taken inside Dr Rey’s million dollar mansion and are able to see his private life with his children and wife Hayley. Overall though, I think the most appealing aspects of this show for most viewers would be its glamorous Hollywood setting (due to the obsession in today’s society with the Hollywood / celebrity lifestyle) and perhaps a general interest in wanting to see people transform or improve their image for the better. Society today is very much fixated on beauty and image, so I think it’s safe to say that the show would definitely be the right cup of tea for a number of TV viewers.

(Dr 90210's Dr. Robert Rey)

(Dr. Rey's wife - Hayley)

There are however a few things that I would like to point out that I don’t particularly like about this show. The Hollywood setting and the attractive/very wealthy doctors (with their flashy cars and luxurious houses) all help to glamorize the plastic surgery industry. This in turn, may make plastic surgery seem all the more appealing to viewers who are considering going under the knife and ultimately encourage them to do so. The name Dr. 90210 is also significant, as the area code of Hollywood is 90210. The title therefore implies that the doctors can make their patients look like the celebrities that inhabit this famous postal address. This can create a false sense of hope with patients (who have watched the show) wanting to have surgery in order to emulate their favourite celebrities.

I also find it quite alarming to see how many attractive people actually go on the show to ‘fix’ a number of their physical ‘flaws’. It’s almost like they have Body Dysmorphic Disorder where they see a flaw that clearly isn’t there or isn’t that noticeable and the doctors are more then willing to operate on them. This is definitely the case with some of the recurring patients like Tabitha Stevens. This woman describes herself as a "plastic surgery junkie" and has spent thousands of dollars on chin and cheek implants, botox injections, liposuction (even on her pinky toe!) and a number of operations on her nose and breasts. If you ask me, the doctors should recommend she gets some proper counseling instead of letting her go under the knife time and time again.

Furthermore, I think it is also of concern that the main doctor, Dr. Rey does not have board certification in plastic surgery. According to Dr. Mark L. Jewell, the president of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery ( it is “an optional credential that many plastic surgeons consider the gold standard of achievement in their specialty”. Dr. Jewell also stated that while it is legal to work as a plastic surgeon without board certification, “the certification process is however the only good measure we have of a plastic surgeon's training, ability, safety, care, professionalism, ethical behavior and conduct."

I was also a bit shocked by an advertisement poster that I recently saw for the show. On the advertisement there was Dr. 90210 written in large white letters across the middle of the poster and in front of this text was a young woman with blonde hair standing knee deep in a swimming pool with her bare back and legs exposed. Her body was tanned and toned, and she was wearing nothing except a skimpy pair of white underwear. There was also text directly above the woman stating “If you weren’t born with it, buy it”. The background consisted of a simple blue sky coupled with a few palm trees.

(A smaller version of the advertisement which does not include the "If you weren't born with it, buy it" text.)

Personally, I think the “If you weren’t born with it, buy it” text is quite outrageous because it explicitly states that physical beauty is no longer a product of genetics, it can be bought. This strongly conveys the idea that cosmetic surgery will allow patients to obtain any physical attribute that they desire. It also supports the idea that if you’re not happy with the way you look physically then you can use plastic surgery as an easy fix!

The woman’s slim and toned body also reinforces the gender ideology of what women should look like, or aspire to become - blonde, tanned and skinny (haha, how typical!). The woman is used to represent physical perfection, and the text strongly conveys that if you weren’t born looking like this genetically blessed individual (even though she is incredibly airbrushed!!!), then you should have cosmetic surgery in order to emulate her.

(Another advertisement that I found for Dr 90210. This one uses the phrase "Beverly Hills. Where everyone accepts plastic.")

Personally, I’m not against plastic surgery. I think that by all means if it is needed to help in terms of reconstructive surgery (eg for accident / burns victims) or people who just genuinely lack self-esteem / confidence because of a certain physical trait then it’s definitely worth doing. I do not believe however that it should be used as a way of improving ones appearance if there isn’t anything wrong in the first place (as the saying goes, “If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it!”) and I also don’t think people should do it just to look like a certain celebrity or what society deems to be attractive or beautiful. I think people should learn to embrace who they are and what they were given by the man upstairs, instead of feeling that they have to have major surgery in order to be accepted and seen as attractive. I think it is our differences that make people both unique and beautiful, and to be honest I think the world would be pretty damn boring if everyone had the same look. Imagine if there were millions of Brad Pitt’s and Pamela Anderson’s walking around, I know I would get bored of people very quickly!

Overall though, the television show Dr 90210 is quite entertaining and I do recommend that you watch an episode or two and make up your own mind about it. I also think it’s an alright program to watch as long as you view it as entertainment and don’t take it too seriously. If you are however contemplating having plastic surgery, all I can say is please don’t let TV shows like Dr 90210 be your source of inspiration. While everything appears glamorous and simple / easy on the silver screen, there are a lot of risks associated with plastic surgery and you should definitely do your homework before deciding whether it’s the right thing for you.

Until next time, keep smiling.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Billy Elliot!

I’m one of those people who absolutely love musicals! This is most likely because I have such a passion for the performing arts: whether it be going to check out some live theatre or musicals, or performing myself (acting is my greatest passion – I would love to be an actor one day; I also enjoy singing and have danced for 12 years). Some of the best musicals I have seen include: Dirty Dancing, The Lion King and Priscilla Queen of the Desert. The next ones that I plan to cross off on my ‘must see’ list are The Rocky Horror Picture Show and oh my goodness - The Phantom of the Opera - I just can’t wait!!!!!! Anyways, I recently went to see Billy Elliot (the musical adaptation of the film that was directed by Stephen Daldry and released in 2000) and I thought it was really fantastic.

For those of you who don’t know much about Billy Elliot it’s basically the story of “an 11 year old coal miner’s son in the north of England, whose whole life is changed when he stumbles into Mrs. Wilkinson’s ballet class during his weekly boxing lesson. Before long, he finds himself immersed in ballet, demonstrating a raw talent never seen before and reaching for a dream that changes the lives of everyone he touches” (source: the back of my Billy Elliot DVD – I am such a fan!!!!).

(Photos of Jamie Bell, the original Billy in the film that was released in 2000.)


There were so many great things about this show. Firstly, the Billy that we had (as there are four boys that share the role) was absolutely amazing! His name was Lochlan Denholm (he was selected from the Melbourne auditions) and his British accent was spot on. He was also incredibly talented both as a dancer and singer - I was really impressed in particular by the way he sang Electricity. Overall though, I thought the entire cast performed exceptionally well. I also really liked the costumes (they really helped to bring the story to life) and the set was just incredible! It was constructed in such a way that allowed the transitions from Billy’s bedroom to the local ballet school for example, to seem effortless.

Furthermore, the music (composed by Elton John with lyrics written by Lee Hall) was also extraordinary! The songs were all great fun but I particularly enjoyed The Stars Look Down (opening song), Expressing Yourself (haha, Billy and Michael dancing around in dresses and trying on lipstick!), Merry Christmas Maggie Thatcher, Electricity (where Billy explains how he feels when he dances – such a nice song!) and also Once we were Kings (one of the final songs with the miners calling off their strike and going back to work). Another song that I also liked was Solidarity, in which the miners are fighting with the police over their strike. Haha the lyrics were pretty funny but I don’t think that they were really appropriate for young kids.

For example:


Oi Geordie

Wanna see something

You’ve never seen before

And that’s just off the overtime

Wanna see some more?


You think yer smart ya cockney shite

You wanna be suspicious

When you were on the picket line

We went and fucked your missus

All of us at once

[The chorus however was actually really catchy]


Solidarity, solidarity

Solidarity forever

We're proud to be working-class

Solidarity forever.

Solidarity, solidarity

Solidarity forever

All for one and one for all

Solidarity forever

There was only really one thing I didn’t like about this stage production and that was the ending! [If any of you don’t want to know what happens then I suggest you skim past this particular section.] I didn’t like the way it just ended with Billy kind of walking off the stage out into the crowd on his way off to attend the Royal Academy of Ballet. In the movie there is this amazing final scene where Billy is all grown up and his father comes to watch him perform as the lead dancer in Swan Lake - it’s such a powerful and beautiful scene where Billy’s father is just so proud and very much in awe of his son and all that he has accomplished. I was really disappointed that they didn’t include it as it was such a wonderful scene to watch in the film. I remember thinking are they gonna do that scene? But instead the whole cast just came on for the finale routine, tapping away with spirit fingers and all!

Other then that though, I thought this musical was awesome. It’s definitely worth buying a ticket for! Afterwards it was also really nice because we went and met some of the cast members. I was really happy because we met two of the Billy’s - Lochlan and also Rarmian (who was obviously there in case anything happened to Lochlan - the show must always go on!) Haha we actually got photos with them and they were such sweet kids. My mum insisted on taking photos, she loves to take them at any happy or special moment - she even wanted to take a bloody photo of me when I voted for the first time in the Federal election for 2007! Haha, luckily I got out of that one because that would have been seriously embarrassing!!!

Overall, I really enjoyed this theatrical adaptation of the original film. I don’t know that you can actually really compare the two – the film and the musical. Some people may think that the musical doesn’t do the film justice but I think that they were both very entertaining in different ways. I highly recommend that you all go and see this musical (especially if you loved the film as much as I did) and make up your own mind. You won’t by any means be disappointed, just very entertained by this spectacular production about a young British boy and his love of “fucking ballet dancing!”

(The four Australian "Billys" - Lochlan Denholm, Rhys Kosakowski, Nick Twiney and Rarmian Newton.)

(The boys in their Billy costumes.)

(The Australian Premiere of Billy Elliot with special guest Elton John, which took place on Thursday December 13th at Sydney’s Capitol Theatre.)

"MXC" - Most Extreme Elimination Challenge TV Show!

Recently I have become absolutely addicted to watching the TV show “MXC” (otherwise known as the “Most Extreme Elimination Challenge” show) which is broadcasted on Foxtel’s Channel [V]. The basic premise of “MXC” is that of a game show which originally comes from a Japanese reality series called "Takeshi's Castle". In each episode two teams of contestants are put through the most crazy and ridiculous physical challenges. As the challenges are often quite difficult, majority of the contestants fail them and are thus eliminated. Contestants who do complete a challenge however, earn points for their respective team. At the end of the show the team with the most points then wins the competition.

What makes this show so bloody funny though, is the way that it has been dubbed into English. The dialogue has absolutely nothing to do with the original competition. Instead, the commentary which is made by the two hosts Kenny Blankenship and Vic Romano, as well as the field reporter Guy LeDouche and the referee Captain Tenneal, is based on popular culture, mocking famous sports stars, celebrities, politicians, etc. Contestants are also given fake names and occupations, while the various challenges are given amusing titles as well, such as "Sinkers & Floaters" and "Wall Bangers", all of which makes this show highly entertaining and definitely worth tuning into.

One of my favourite parts of this program however, has to be the "MXC Impact Replay" which highlights the worst / most painful failed attempts and wipeouts. That may sound a bit cruel but I seriously don’t feel any guilt in watching and laughing my head off at most of the hopeless contestants getting the crap winded out of themselves and nearly breaking their backs trying to complete but ultimately failing miserably at the weird and whacky challenges on this show. The contestants are simply asking for it by degrading themselves and going on the show in the first place! Personally, I think I would be able to do a better job then 99% of the contestants that have a crack at this show. Some of them just really have no idea as to what they’re doing, not to mention any upper body strength or general fitness at all to do the challenges. Haha, this show is soo hilarious, it’s gold!!!

Oh and another funny thing is that this show actually reminds me of an episode of “The Simpsons” (not sure if any of you have seen this particular episode), where the famous Springfield family take a vacation to Japan. Whilst on holiday there, they find themselves on this crazy Japanese game show called “The Happy Smile Super Challenge Family Wish Show!” on which they have to do all of these really extreme, weird and dangerous challenges in order to get tickets to fly back to the US. I have to say that the writers were spot on with this particular storyline, you only have to look at shows like “MXC” to see that Japanese game shows are seriously WHACK!!! I don’t know what kind of pills the creators of these types of shows are on in Japan, but they certainly know how to come up with some seriously weird ideas to entertain their TV viewers. Haha, love it though!

Anyways I definitely recommend checking out this show, I promise you won’t be disappointed! Here is a small snippet just to give you an idea of what to expect. Enjoy!

Exercise or loss of innocence?

I was flicking through The Daily Telegraph recently and was quite shocked to read that children as young as seven years of age are now participating in pole dancing as a form / means of exercise. It appears that the innocent days of kids taking swimming lessons, competing in athletics or just kicking a ball around the backyard for fitness are now a thing of the past.

The specific article that I am referring to was called “Class poles apart: Porn industry backs lessons for 7 year-olds.” It stated that “children as young as seven are being enrolled in pole dancing classes, ostensibly for health reasons”. The article also mentioned some of the benefits of pole dancing, including that it helps to build strength and flexibility. Well that may be true but guess what, you can get the same benefits from joining a frigging ballet class or doing some good old fashioned yoga!

I think it's really disgraceful to market pole dancing dressed up as exercise classes to young children. There are plenty of other ways to get fit without doing it in a sleazy and provocative way. I know I was certainly able to keep fit and healthy as a child by participating in a range of different sports, including: swimming, tennis, athletics, softball, netball, sailing, nippers at my local beach, ballet, jazz, oh and also just getting off my butt and running around the school playground and my backyard. I guess I was just lucky though to have been brought up by loving parents who wanted me to have a normal, happy, innocent and pole dancing free childhood!

Body dysmorphia expert Dr Roberta Honigman also stated within the article that the problem is “that the child is involved in something that she may well not understand the implications of because of her age and lack of maturity.” This was evident in a statement made by an 11 year old girl identified only as “Angela”, who said she benefited from doing some classes. “It’s really fun and you get to learn a lot of different moves,” she said. “People thinks it’s pole dancing but it’s not (Oh God she really has no idea does she!). It’s great exercise.” Well I hate to break it to you sweetheart but that’s exactly what you’re doing - dancing, bumping and grinding around a pole are all of the ingredients that make up the pole dancing dish! Clearly this girl has no idea that her favourite new hobby has sexual overtones that are connected to the adult sex world.

(11 year old "Angela" participating in a pole dancing class.)

Ms Patten, the Eros Association CEO also commented on the issue saying it was “morally neutral”. Haha, that’s hilarious! All I can say is where are her morals? Clearly she doesn’t have any! By making these classes acceptable kids will start to think that this behaviour is perfectly normal. I actually feel sorry for these kids because they may look back one day in disgust when they realise what their favourite childhood activity was associated with.

There was also one comment in particular, that stated the reality of this situation and how children should not be participate in this activity. Kelly Piper from Engadine wrote: “The concerts held at the end of each term are attended by family and friends. It becomes very uncomfortable for the males in the audience (usually fathers and partners) when the bumping and grinding comes into the routine. Putting girls as young as seven into this situation is simply wrong.”

All I can say is that if pole dancing, mini skirts, make-up and padded bras are now the latest craze for 8 year olds, I honestly don’t want to think of what’s going to be next! It’s all pretty cringe worthy!!! Some people may think that I’m purely in denial about how the kids of today are growing up faster then ever, but I couldn’t agree with them more. I know I would’ve grown up a bit faster then my parent’s generation, and their parent’s generation, etc, it’s only natural, but I think that things are getting a bit out of hand. Where do we draw the line, it’s a rather big leap to go from playing make believe out in the backyard cubby house one minute, to learning how to bump and grind like a scantily clad adult pole dancer the next! The lines between childhood and adult life just seem to be getting extremely blurry these days. If pole dancing becomes acceptable / ‘the norm’ for 7-11 year olds, I hate to think of what the future has install for the next generation of kiddies!

I also think that the parents of these kids need to get them away from whatever the hell they are watching which makes this dancing style known to them in the first place. I blame such trash as Britney Spears’ “Gimme More” video clip. (Note to Britney: You’ve lost the sex appeal you possessed in such clips as: “Toxic”, “I’m a Slave 4 U”, “Stronger”, etc, everything that was basically in your pre total whore phase. I say put your knickers back on, get out of Hollywood, clean up your act, get a stylist who actually has some idea of what they’re doing, leave the pole dancing to the professionals because you just look lost and ridiculous doing it, and start writing some half decent songs again! [Oh and just in case any of you are wondering, I’m actually not a Britney hater. I was definitely a fan until her K-Fed phase which ultimately led to the mess she’s in now.]) Teenagers and kids in particular these days, see celebrities such as Britney, as role models and they often wish to emulate them. Thus Brit’s clip is probably responsible for attracting half of these new (very young and often very impressionable) recruits to join up at the local pole dancing class! I say ban it from children’s viewing hours / programs that kids watch (eg: Video Hits on Saturday and Sunday mornings – Channel Ten).

(Britney Spears pole dancing in her video clip for "Gimme More".)

Before I wrap things up, I would also like to clarify the fact that I’m not writing to condemn pole dancing or the adult sex industry. If people want to get involved with all of that then that’s their own choice ... not sure I could go down that particular path myself, but good luck to them. I think its fine for older teenagers and adults to do because they understand the implications of what they are doing. I’m sure a number of my peers wouldn’t mind giving a class a go for a bit of a laugh or to impress their ‘other half’ but unlike these kids, they are actually adults and can make their own fully informed decision on this issue!

My final thoughts on this topic: let’s just let kids be kids, instead of making them grow up so fast! The reality is that until like Peter Pan up in good old Neverland (or possibly being held captive somewhere in Whacko Jacko’s theme park), they’ve got the rest of their lives to be adults! Enough said!

Why does it always rain on me?

Does everyone out there know the song "Why does it always rain on me?" by Travis??? Well I do and lately I think those words really apply to my life... literally!

Here are my reasons for this:

Recently I had to shoot a student film on location in the hall behind my local church. I had booked to use the hall from 1.30pm - 6pm which would have given myself and my fabulous film crew plenty of time to film everything that we needed to. When I arrived at the church the weather was already quite overcast but considering we were going to be indoors i really wasn't that worried. When i got inside however, things just started to fall apart. First of all there was a Spanish group already in the hall who were having their end of year Christmas function. They were supposed to be out of the hall by 1pm but they didn't leave until bloody 2pm which threw my whole time schedule out the door! There was also mess everywhere (tables, chairs, food and decorations) so by the time we cleared the hall and got set up we were already way behind our time schedule. Then after about 15 minutes of filming we were welcomed with another not so pleasant surprise! Two men from the church came into the hall and told us that we had to leave because they needed to set up for the church's annual Christmas carols!!! I couldn't believe it, there was a DOUBLE BOOKING!!!

So then we had no alternative other then to film outside. It was already starting to lightly sprinkle (rain, if you're not quite sure) when we ventured out into the car park, but we tried to continue none the less. Even though it was freezing cold all was going fine for a while. I mean I was annoyed that I had to change my storyline and shots because I had planned all of my shots to be in different parts of the hall, but I was happy with how we were battling through it.

Now you would think that after all of those problems we would just be able to get our film finished, right??? But oh no wait for it, we had just one more problem .... the friggin heaven's literally opened up above and we had heavy like torrential rain, with lightning and the works! Haha we nearly got washed away, and i am not exaggerating at all! So that was my first problem with the rain.

A week or two before that however, I also had another encounter with a shower ... this time of a deadly kind! I was out west with my sister at one of the new shopping malls that had just opened. We were just standing outside out in the open when all of a sudden there was like a freak hail storm!!!!! It just came out of nowhere, because the rest of the day was literally boiling hot! It was the craziest thing i've ever seen, like one of those really scary storms in the film "The Day after Tomorrow"!!! The sky literally went black within a few minutes, then came heavy rain and about 30seconds later hail stones the size of cricket balls!!!! There were people screaming and running for cover and the hail stones were just crashing down and smashing windows, bouncing off buildings, etc.... just INSANE!!! On the news that night the reporters said that the area we were in was the worst affected. Of course ... lucky us! Haha, or should i say unlucky.

I don't know but if you ask me it seems a bit weird that I've been caught out in two really freaky storms within a few weeks of each other. Maybe the universe is trying to tell me something or perhaps I'm being punished for something i did in a past life? Or maybe I'm just reading too much into this! Haha, let me know what you think?

My final words to the big blue above ... stop raining on my parade!

They don’t call him ‘Sir’ for nothing!

Well hello again to all of my fans out there in cyberspace (haha or should I say, hello to my good friends that actually bother to check my blog every once in a while). I hope you’re all enjoying reading my posts as much as I am writing them. For me, blogging has almost become an online diary. Even though I initially set out to discuss matters regarding celebrities, politics, etc, my posts seem to revolve mainly around my own life. I guess I just have so many stories to share with the world. So I hope you find them interesting and entertaining. If not however, don’t worry, I will try to talk about things other then myself in the future (haha but not for this particular post). Enjoy!

Well even though it was a few weeks ago, I simply must talk about seeing Elton or should I say ‘Sir. Elton John’ in concert recently! I was completely amazed at how incredible his show was. I guess though you kind of expect to see something truly special when going to the concert of such a successful and timeless performer. Anyways, here’s how my night panned out.

After getting all dazzled up, my mum (who I went to the concert with) and I decided to take a train out to the concert venue. This seemed like a good idea in terms of getting to the concert as quickly as possible but proved to be a very bad choice! Firstly, the train was absolutely packed and there were no seats, meaning we had to stand. Now when wearing three inch high heels, this is not a good position to be stuck in. So you’re probably thinking “Jeez ‘drama queen’ didn’t you learn anything from the last concert you attended, in regards to OH&S (Occupational Health and Safety) issues and high heels?” In my defense however they were really nice shoes and besides an Elton John concert is more of a chilled out, sit down event as opposed to a hard core rock concert (where flat shoes would be required) haha enough said! So there I was swaying around the carriage trying not to fall over, with my mum also holding onto me because she’s a total germ freak too (refer to first blog – “Life of a germ freak”) and didn’t want to hold on to the filthy metal hand rails. And then just my luck, this seemingly innocent Indonesian man standing beside us started to make conversation. All seemed fine until he stated that there were “too many Chinese people on the train and that they should all be blown up!” I was absolutely horrified, not only at how incredibly racist this man was but also by the possibility that he was perhaps contemplating blowing up the train. His evil laugh also did not help to convince me otherwise. Needless to say, it was not the greatest way to start the evening!

The rest of the night however was a lot better!!!

When we first got to the concert venue, we bought some merchandise - program, concert dvd, and a cd of Elton’s greatest hits, etc. We then took our seats and listened to the supporting act which was 18 year old singer Eran James. He performed songs from his latest album “Ten Songs About Love”. I actually really liked his style of signing / performing. He’s a bit like Michael Buble meets David Campbell, meets well … Eran James! hahaha.

Elton then came onto the stage and all I can say is that he is truly a class act. Unlike trashy singers like Britney Spears (sorry Brits if you’re reading this but we all know it’s true) who need back up dancers, backing tracks, etc to make them look good, Elton can actually sing and perform. He has such an amazing voice that you kind of just get lost in all of his beautiful ballads and even his more up-tempo songs just take you to a different place. The whole crowd was just so impressed with everything he did. He just sat there at the piano and sang for 2hrs30mins straight and received a standing ovation after every song!

In terms of highlights, well every song was amazing. Elton performed so many of his hit songs but I particularly loved:

The opening song which was “Your song” – it took me back to Moulin Rouge where

Ewan McGregor serenades Nicole Kidman. I just love that movie!

Rocket Man”

Tiny Dancer” – one of my favourite songs, used in one of my all time favourite

movies – Almost Famous, love it!

“Bennie and the Jets”

“Electricity” – from the Billy Elliot Musical, it was amazing! I can’t wait to see that


“Circle of life” from The Lion King. That movie was made for such wonderful lions as

myself. I’m such a proud Leo, I love long walks on the beach, sunsets … haha.

And ballads that make you want to cry, they’re just soo good!

Candle in the Wind” – Elton’s performance of this song brought tears to my eyes

thinking about Princess Diana and Marilyn Monroe, such sad and tragic


“Sorry seems to be the hardest word”

“Don’t let the sun go down over me”

Overall the concert was simply amazing! I had a great time with my mum and we had fabulous seats as well which were very close to the front. I could have seriously listened to Elton’s music for hours. He is one of those truly gifted performers that everyone should see, if they really want to be entertained by great music. He certainly lives up to all the expectations you could possibly have. Well, I guess they don’t call him ‘Sir’ for nothing!!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

A belated Happy New Year to you all!

Well my goodness it has been some time since I last graced you all with my presence. So I would firstly like to begin this post by wishing you all a very Happy New Year!!! I hope life is truly treating you very well and that 2008 brings a great deal of happiness and joy into all of your lives. As for me, well what can I say? Life has been really hectic lately, you know how it is - places to go, people to meet. Oh the life of a celebrity, it’s hard being so fabulous! Haha, a girl can dream can’t she???

Well anyways, I figured that since I haven’t blogged in so long, the best way to get back into ‘the swing of things’ so to speak, is to discuss all that I have been up to lately.

Well where do I start? Hmm … I suppose Christmas would be a good place. Overall I had a really nice Christmas break. I caught up with some old friends, spent a few lazy days on the beach and also had some much needed therapy … of the retail kind!!! Hahaha, retail therapy that’s such a girly saying I know, but seriously it really is amazing how good a new pair of shoes for example (particularly high heels in my opinion) can make you feel. I also did the whole traditional thing of putting up decorations everywhere around my house (haha, you can never ever have enough fairy lights and tinsel … EVER!!!), as well as watching the Christmas Carols with my family. Nothing really beats belting out to “Jingle Bells” or “Rocking around the Christmas Tree” with those you love most.

As a Catholic I also attended a Christmas mass at my local church on Christmas Eve. The highlight was definitely seeing all of the little kids dressed up as angels, kings, shepherds, etc. It really brought back memories of when I was at primary school and we did the same thing. We of course thought we looked so great wearing our angel wings and dresses, and sheets / tea towels (for the shepherds). I’m not so sure however that I would go that far these days, but those kids were so cute that they could pull off any outfit (even if it was made from bits and pieces belonging to their home linen closet). And finally of course I spent Christmas day as per usual with my family. We had a nice relaxed day by the pool at my cousin’s house and I can proudly say that I did my fair share of eating at lunch, oh and dinner and umm, did I mention ….DESSERT!!! Seconds anyone??? I vote YES!

Oh and then came New Years Eve which is always a lot of fun. I had an awesome night in the city with a great view of the fireworks from directly in front of the Harbour Bridge. In my opinion, you couldn’t really ask for anything more! I honestly don’t think that there is a better way to ring in the New Year then being in the city, as the atmosphere is just amazing - c’est formidable! (That’s French for “It’s fabulous!” if you’re not quite sure.)

So now we are in 2008! I don’t know about anyone else out there but I always find the first few months of a new year to be quite strange, especially when I have to write the date down. It’s like you get so used to writing a certain year eg: “07” and then BAM, all of a sudden there’s this strange new number in your life that you have to gradually get used to, haha it’s just weird! (Or perhaps maybe I’m just a bit strange, I don’t know. Does anyone out there agree???)

Anyways, with a new year there is also one thing that is always guaranteed, and that is New Year’s resolutions. For example: “I must learn to put down the chocolate cake and get to a gym pronto!” Well like most people, I also wouldn’t mind getting back into a solid exercise routine not just to work off those ‘unwanted Christmas kilos’ (Bahaha, how many times has that phrase been used, way too many!) but to just be healthier in general. Overall however, I just hope that 2008 will be a really happy and exciting year, not just for myself but for everyone.

Well until next time,
Au revoir.