Friday, January 18, 2008

Why does it always rain on me?

Does everyone out there know the song "Why does it always rain on me?" by Travis??? Well I do and lately I think those words really apply to my life... literally!

Here are my reasons for this:

Recently I had to shoot a student film on location in the hall behind my local church. I had booked to use the hall from 1.30pm - 6pm which would have given myself and my fabulous film crew plenty of time to film everything that we needed to. When I arrived at the church the weather was already quite overcast but considering we were going to be indoors i really wasn't that worried. When i got inside however, things just started to fall apart. First of all there was a Spanish group already in the hall who were having their end of year Christmas function. They were supposed to be out of the hall by 1pm but they didn't leave until bloody 2pm which threw my whole time schedule out the door! There was also mess everywhere (tables, chairs, food and decorations) so by the time we cleared the hall and got set up we were already way behind our time schedule. Then after about 15 minutes of filming we were welcomed with another not so pleasant surprise! Two men from the church came into the hall and told us that we had to leave because they needed to set up for the church's annual Christmas carols!!! I couldn't believe it, there was a DOUBLE BOOKING!!!

So then we had no alternative other then to film outside. It was already starting to lightly sprinkle (rain, if you're not quite sure) when we ventured out into the car park, but we tried to continue none the less. Even though it was freezing cold all was going fine for a while. I mean I was annoyed that I had to change my storyline and shots because I had planned all of my shots to be in different parts of the hall, but I was happy with how we were battling through it.

Now you would think that after all of those problems we would just be able to get our film finished, right??? But oh no wait for it, we had just one more problem .... the friggin heaven's literally opened up above and we had heavy like torrential rain, with lightning and the works! Haha we nearly got washed away, and i am not exaggerating at all! So that was my first problem with the rain.

A week or two before that however, I also had another encounter with a shower ... this time of a deadly kind! I was out west with my sister at one of the new shopping malls that had just opened. We were just standing outside out in the open when all of a sudden there was like a freak hail storm!!!!! It just came out of nowhere, because the rest of the day was literally boiling hot! It was the craziest thing i've ever seen, like one of those really scary storms in the film "The Day after Tomorrow"!!! The sky literally went black within a few minutes, then came heavy rain and about 30seconds later hail stones the size of cricket balls!!!! There were people screaming and running for cover and the hail stones were just crashing down and smashing windows, bouncing off buildings, etc.... just INSANE!!! On the news that night the reporters said that the area we were in was the worst affected. Of course ... lucky us! Haha, or should i say unlucky.

I don't know but if you ask me it seems a bit weird that I've been caught out in two really freaky storms within a few weeks of each other. Maybe the universe is trying to tell me something or perhaps I'm being punished for something i did in a past life? Or maybe I'm just reading too much into this! Haha, let me know what you think?

My final words to the big blue above ... stop raining on my parade!

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